Thank you, your stories matter! We value your stories and appreciate your willingness to share them with us. POW420 uses stories in our education and advocacy work in order to show lawmakers and the general public the human costs of mandatory sentencing laws. No-one belongs in jail for a plant.
POW420 works to put a human face on mandatory sentencing laws through our profiles of people serving unjust marijuana prison sentences. POW420 compiles these stories by communicating with federal and state prisoners and their family members.
Have you been affected , arrested, incarcerated by unjust marijuana laws. T
No one can tell your story better than you can. Don’t be afraid to open up and share how yourself, or your loved one’s incarceration has impacted you and your family. By submitting your story below, you are allowing POW420 to publish your story on our website.
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I thought you may like to know how he is getting on now.
Good NEWS in bleak times
Daniel Holmes, a man from South Wales who was arrested in 2006 on Malta with his friend Barry Lee, for growing cannabis for their own use. Daniel then spent 12 years detained on the island, 9 of which were spent in the Corradino Correctional Facility Prison near Valletta. There was no evidence of their intent to deal but at that time in Malta cultivation was automatically classed as trafficking, contrary to EU human rights laws. Daniel and Barry were each charged with crimes that threatened FIVE life sentences and because of this, Barry Lee committed suicide while in custody. The case attracted much Maltese and international attention, and protests were held in Malta and petitions launched demanding Daniel’s release. This did not happen even when the president was asked to reconsider the fairness of the case. Daniel was eventually released in 2018 and deported. He returned to Cardiff where he now lives with his family.
When in jail, Daniel spent much of his time reading and writing. He recorded his experiences each day and these are now included in his first book entitled “From a Cage on a Rock in a Puddle” which will be launched at this year’s Malta Book Festival that takes place between 11th and 15th November. There is an interview with Daniel scheduled as advertised in this link, and more here:
The festival will be a virtual event this year due to Covid-19, and information about it will be available at the festival’s website ( Events will be free to view on the website and can also be watched on their Facebook page at (
Daniel continues to write, and has already completed other works for future publication, including a poetry book, a book of short stories, a review of his Instagram posts during his incarceration, and a children’s book.
After so long away from society with no resettlement help from the Maltese system he is gradually getting to grips with social media, though he would prefer to be living off grid.
If you are interested in finding out more and perhaps arranging an interview with Daniel please email me. his father, at [email protected] or phone 07846640600.
Kind regards
Mel Holmes
Daniel’s website is at
His Facebook page is
His Instagram page is
His You Tube feed is
Our men and women have fought for our country, they are suffering, we can do something very simple to help them, we can give them a force fighting for them, me and you fighting to make it legal for them to use their marijuana medicine to kill their pain and anguish anywhere in America Legally.
My Parents always said those black lights and posters and such were for pot heads/smokers. Our Glass Tube Pyramid Glows under the “Black Light”.
I call for a legal medical marijuana united country where any citizen over age 18 can get a card and purchase, then consume, (1) restriction, no kid’s can be with in 30 feet, $100.00 fine. Smoking in the woods, on sidewalks, legal.
Show your Solidarity for our idea of a joined Legalized Medical Marijuana- America, where all over 18 can enjoy it’s benefit’s, buy our Pyramid Today.
ParticalMagic wants to employ 100,000 workers in North Carolina to build your 100 Million Pyramids, because we all are going to buy this Pyramid.
Subjecting yourself to a dark room a black light and a cool slow spinning Pyramid, you can’t help but get into a relaxing mood. There’s benefits for you. Slower heart rate, sugar relaxes, pain eases, happy feelings enter.
I have the first Multi-Colored ParticalMagic Pyramid ever made, I still enjoy the relaxing feelings the dark and the glowing reflections give me, even today, you too can enjoy relaxing and show our fellowman you support the movement to legalize “Medical Marijuana” not just for our hurting troops but our suffering fellow citizen, we can be united as one for our own good.
Let the kids of America have Black Lights and posters and why not a cool Glowing Slowly Spinning Pyramid made of real glass tubing. A relaxed kid being non-confrontational helps make a happy home.
Show your support for our troops needs, your needs, proudly display, use our ParticalMagic Pyramid, please help ease other peoples pain and help ease your pain at the same time. Buy our Pyramid, stand up for our troops.
Our governments will listen when we announce our 100th Million Order, legal pot everywhere can be ours, only if you show you want it legal now.
Rally behind the ParticalMagic Pyramid, use it as your symbol for freedom.
Leonard F. Grundy (980)-309-8763
2820 Rosemeade Drive. Monroe, NC. 28110
I have suffered from these seizures for over 8 years now. I have been using cannabis for my seizures medically since 2014. Cannabis is the only medicine that has lessened my seizures and allowed me to get my life back.
I was turned in by a member of the community and was served a search warrant with over 10 sheriff’s deputies with AR 15s in a town with less than 60 people.
An unarmed disabled 40 year old male. I am now having multiple seizures daily now that I can’t medicate myself with cannabis oil capsules.
If you can help me here is my info:
[email protected]
Larry Burgess II
4103 3rd Street
New Albany KS 66736
so why are the police at war with me over medicine from God ? I have studied the law and want to become a cannabis lawyer GARY GONJA. since my law studies, the police had me in handcuffs 3 times for pot and each time they took the cuffs off and left me alone with my pot. here are the seven felonies cops commit over pot. 1) armed robbery (for even a pot seed). weapon displayed and you fear for your safety. strong arm robbery by police. – to armed rob your property. all police are predators disguised as protectors. and they are at war with you trying to find any legal grounds to kidnap you and take your property so the courts can extort monies $ from you. never let police search your car, home, person -ANYTHING !!!! – remember anything you say can and will be used against you. YOU NEVER ANSWER QUESTIONS !!!! “sorry officer I don’t answer questions. and whenever cops ask you questions you repeat, ’ SORRY OFFICER I DONT ANSWER QUESTIONS.
me.”officer can I ask you a question – what is marijuana a vegtable or fruit "?
officer. “I don’t know”
me. " please take a guess its either one or the other"
officer. " I don’t know"
me. " but you bust people for it and commit armed robbery and kidnapping for it."
officer. ok vegtable"
me. " wow thank you officer, you have guessed correctly it is a vegtable SO BY YOUR OWN ADMISSION, YOUR BUSTING PEOPLE FOR VEGTABLES NOW ? if they guess fruit it works the same. ill post more of “the seven felonies”