Daisy Bram ~ Prison for Pot

Daisy has been released. Welcome home Daisy. Daisy was sentenced to prison for marijuana. No-one belongs in jail for a plant.

Daisy Bram # 154546


Words from Daisy Bram ~ Click here

Daisy's Facebook Page

Parents, Pot, and Prohibition: Daisy Bram's Story


Daisy is in jail because of cannabis. Write to her today and show her some love and support.

Daisy writes-

*sigh*….1st let me say that I cannot even begin to share the depth of what is in my heart as I think about the support & goodness of those that keep me & my family in their heart. Thank You. During sentencing (on tues. Jan 21) the judge read the names of those that mailed letters directly. wow. Thank You. I am humbled & grateful.

I am to turn myself in to the Butte County Jail by 5pm on Sat. Feb 1. At this point it is rather difficult to know exactly how much time I will be doing in custody. I am expecting the worst & hoping for the best.
Please keep me in your thoughts & hearts ever so much this week as I spend the days & nights readying myself to leave my family. I will be cooking, cleaning, organizing and preparing to be away from my babies for an unknown amount of time. Needless to say this is beyond a daunting endeavour- getting ready to leave my home and loved ones. I cannot believe that I will have to say good-bye to them.


Love. Light. Blessings.

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  • Adela Falk
    commented 2016-04-11 14:40:41 -0700
    Updated 1/2018